If you are disabled and wish to request a reasonable accommodation or if you have difficulty understanding English, please request our assistance and we will ensure that you are provided with meaningful access based on your individual needs.
Si usted está incapacitado y desea solicitar un acomodo razonable, o si tiene dificultad para entender el Inglés, por favor solicite nuestra ayuda y nos aseguraremos de que se le proporciona un acceso significativo basado en sus necesidades individuales
- Delta Development does not discriminate on the basis of disability status in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its federally assisted programs and activities.
- The person named below has been designated to coordinate compliance with the nondiscrimination requirements contained in the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s regulations implementing Section 504 (25 CFR, part 8 dated June 2, 1988).
Name: James Lonergan (or Current Director)
Address: 525 Washington Street, Buffalo, NY 14203
Telephone-voice: (716) 847- 1635
Telephone TTY: 711 Telecommunications Relay Service